YNPN Roundtable: Enneagram

Updated: Apr 28

The Enneagram is mostly used for personal self-knowledge and personality development, offering a powerful tool for better understanding your core motivations and applying that knowledge to all areas of your life, including conflict resolution, team dynamics, leadership and emotional intelligence.

We will discuss the nine different types, how they interact with each other, and their core motivations. Details on how to determine your type will be sent to you after you register.

Wed, March 23, 2022 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM EDT

In person at The Collaboratory of Virginia/UTurn.

This event is for Young Nonprofit Professionals Network of Richmond (YNPN RVA) members only. YNPN RVA is the region’s only network for young and early career nonprofit professionals. Visit https://www.thecollaboratory-va.org/ynpnrva to learn more and become a member.

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